About Me

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I am a spirit, trying to expand my consciousness and raise awareness to people. I've realized the more truthful things you encounter, the more knowledge you receive, it can be hurtful. The truth can make you richer within, and help you to live life to the fullest everyday. Once you resist, and don't bank the adversary, it is then you can begin living your journey of a righteous life. There is a war going on in the world, but it starts within the mind. It is important to find out who you are, and you need to realize, that you are firstly living for the creator. Everyone has a special light that links to each person to make the world a circle. This circle keeps manifesting the energy that we put out from our lights. Everything has a good and bad to it, because everyone was born into sin, but it is up to one to make a conscious choice on what they want to put out into the world. With patience, prayer, faith, and awareness, one can become righteous, and can stop reacting to everything. You can be proactive, and find your inner peace. I am on this journey, and would like to express my thoughts, my life, and experiences with the world, I hope you enjoy. Peace and blessings.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Many times in our life, the road less traveled is a very lonely one, but a very fulfilling one. If you knew at the end of the road, your dreams and goals where there...but the road revealed that everything you feared, was standing in the way, would you still take it? 

The funny thing about the truth is it can't be tainted nor changed.

It is, what it is.

Many times in my life, people have tried to tell me, who I am, what I will never be, or was just plain jealous. I never understood because I tried so hard to be nice, and understanding, and logical, and to me, it would all backfire.

I wanted people to love and like me, and see my greatness in which I believed in myself....

Well it seemed to feel like it did, for a little while, like they would love me, or like me, but everyone started falling out of my life....

I begin to wonder why, and started analyzing myself....

I had to be the issue right???

....but now I realized, in just the last 6 months that it was me staying true to myself and cleansing my space. 

I was protecting my peace and didn't understand it. 

The more you stay true to yourself, and don't mind humiliating yourself for your truth,the closer you will be to your passion, goals, and will live a happier life. 

You might not be where you want to be in life, but you can live in truth, and truth always wins and puts you in a righteous place. 

James 5:16 
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;

Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked;

Humiliation for truth, isn't really humiliation. It's humbling yourself, and allowing yourself to feel emotion, and learn. It is gaining knowledge and letting your light shine. When you let your light shine, you walk in love, love changes your perception on things. 

So the one person that use to piss you off, you feel sorry for them now, because you understand, they can't comprehend just yet, thier own truth, and what it means to truly love and live.

 When you're in control, you're truly in control.

You're  able to explain why it is you do everything. You can be honest with yourself. You can find out your needs. You can make choices that benefit you, instead of hindering you, or hurting you. You can see people for who they truly are. 

I challenge everyone who's reading this to start asking yourself why more often to your actions, instead of why, of what's going on with others.

Remember, you are the only one in this world that you can truly control. Once you control yourself, it is there you can spread your light and influence others. Everything you do, do it out of love, because love conquers all. 

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