About Me

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I am a spirit, trying to expand my consciousness and raise awareness to people. I've realized the more truthful things you encounter, the more knowledge you receive, it can be hurtful. The truth can make you richer within, and help you to live life to the fullest everyday. Once you resist, and don't bank the adversary, it is then you can begin living your journey of a righteous life. There is a war going on in the world, but it starts within the mind. It is important to find out who you are, and you need to realize, that you are firstly living for the creator. Everyone has a special light that links to each person to make the world a circle. This circle keeps manifesting the energy that we put out from our lights. Everything has a good and bad to it, because everyone was born into sin, but it is up to one to make a conscious choice on what they want to put out into the world. With patience, prayer, faith, and awareness, one can become righteous, and can stop reacting to everything. You can be proactive, and find your inner peace. I am on this journey, and would like to express my thoughts, my life, and experiences with the world, I hope you enjoy. Peace and blessings.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

System Series; Oppression. Featuring & Introducing Atlanta Rapper Lil'Donald

One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males, if current incarceration trends continue.

Most do not want to admit it, but racism still lives and continues to grow each day. If you are in disagreement with this statement, you are one of the dilemmas in today’s society. Growing up in Europe, and coming over to America, was one of the most drastic realizations, and culture shocks that I have yet to experience. In order to understand racism, you have to do your research, and understand the root, which most tend to ignore. Now racism, I can say, has been so rooted in evil, that it has caused oppression, which is beyond race of the opposite. I have witnessed from my own race; at one point hate me, because of the texture of my hair, the lightness of my skin, and the tone in my voice.

I have noticed, just by the media, stereotyping my race as ignorant, only good in sports and music, labeling our black men as killers, drug dealers, and rapist. They show that our black women are only good at exploiting sexual content, stripping, and being loud.

Now you can’t just blame the media, white people, and government for EVERYTHING. There is a fine line when one must take action for free will choices, and discipline. That has nothing to do with race, that’s just humanity, but one must ask, where is this information coming from? Was this taught? Are these people really like that? What happened to make this people like this? Everyone has history, and as the cliché saying insists that history repeats itself, one must dig down into the roots, to find out where all the chaos stems from.

I want to touch on a small part of the struggle in the African American community.


As I’m scrolling along my Instagram page, I come across a young artist by the name of Lil’ Donald. His pictures appear family oriented, and had postings of his kids, that he confessed his love for. I then see, he is interested in a music career, and has a trailer of his new hit song, “free my folk.”

Now what particularly got me interested to even click this link was the fact that Donald didn’t visually appear on his social media page to be the stereotypical rapper that flossed money, or ranted about getting bitches and money. He seemed like a man that was humbly trusting in God to make his message, which he delivered with music, to be spread to the world. Nothing about fame came to mind, when I looked at his page, just him really wanting to spread a message.

Then, the title of his song, “free my folk,” caught my eye, and hit home to me, and I could relate to that feeling. This is what drove me to click this link. After listening to this song, I commented on one of his pictures, insisting that he kept chasing his dream, and that I was thankful for this song because I could sincerely relate.

Now, what is my message in this post? In these lyrics, Donald states in his own musical verbal tone, that we can’t get a second chance once we are free, because we are bound to the system. For those that aren’t aware. If you are charged with a felony, and do your time, and are released; and I must advise you, the tone in this next description, is to get you to feel where I coming from. (continued)….it is VERY hard for you to get a GREAT job worth of shit. This remains on your record, and can only get expunged depending on the circumstances. So if you can’t get a great job, and you have a family, shelter, and basically responsibilities you need to handle, then what?

This is where the crime comes into play, the drug dealing, and so forth. I’m not saying that this is a pass to do such things, but again you have to understand where the problem begins. How can one truly LEARN anything? Ok, you lock them up, I can understand that. Giving them some time to think, and restrict them from their freedom, but then you release them and bound them from betterment. That doesn’t make sense. That particular person is bound to go back to jail, because they can’t live by the rules to actually earn a good job, because of a record. Their record restricts them, and doesn’t give them a second chance at life. That’s the system.

This song that he has made, explains a small piece of what’s going on in the world.

The fact that the government, even participates in drugs, and supplies them to low income families, in poor neighborhoods, is just a small dilemma in itself. It is sad that the leaders of this country HELP corrupt the people. The system is a circle of ongoing oppression. There are many different things I can touch on that hold our nation back, but I wanted to touch on something in my own community, and share my opinion on such a small fragment of an issue that is ongoing. It is bigger than this, and I advise that you do your own research, or go in your own communities, and talk to some of the people and ask them why they do the things they do, instead of assuming.

Please go and check out Lil Donald’s YouTube page: Donald Brooks for the full version of his song entitled “free my folk.” Listen to the message, and try to understand the art.

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