• A set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular.
• A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.
• (In chronostratigraphy) a major range of strata that corresponds to a period in time, subdivided into series.
In Astronomy it reads:
• A group of celestial objects connected by their mutual attractive forces, esp. moving in orbits about a center.
And the definition, that stuck out the most to me reads:
• a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method
This world is a system. School is just another way to keep the population controlled, and it helps form the masses. There is NOTHING, in my opinion that we learn in school that helps with our adult life, except socializing, team leader skills, and math. I often sit and wonder, why is school free for twelve years, and then you have to pay for it? Why do they restrict us from moving forward, by testing us, and letting this form of paper scale rather we are smart enough to advance to the next “level.”
If you don’t start asking questions, you will be part of the brainwashed masses that follows the system.
A close friend of mine told me he was about to attend school, and I asked him for what, and he told me for a business degree, because he wanted to own his own business. I immediately stopped him, and told him no. Now the normal person would’ve said I was wrong, and would have encouraged him to go to college. Let me into your mind, and make a point. From the beginning, education has been free. My ancestors, died to learn, they taught each other to read, and after slaving for long days in the field, they stayed up at night to teach others what they have learned, from simple books.
Most people don’t want to do the WORK to obtain the knowledge. You can educate yourself for free, to start your own businesses, and more, you just have to do the work. Don’t let the system, tell you, that you are not smart enough to achieve without them. I feel the only reason you should be going to college, is if you want a career that you are SURE of that requires a degree. Examples include: Teacher, Physiologist, Doctor, and Lawyer. It is then that you should STILL educate yourself on your own, so that you may advance, and be comfortable with the information, that you are required to test and pass, so that you may receive a piece of paper, telling you that you are worthy to work in a field that you are attracted to, to make a living. Right, I wonder if you made the same face, I made as I typed this.
It was just yesterday, that I was younger, and had no idea of this. No one told me; no blogs were written on, the truth. Once you start researching things, you find out, that there are very few people in the world, that want to find out the truth, let alone, a solution for true peace. People do what they are told, and they don’t react, because they think that what they have been taught IS truly right. There are many outlets, and solutions to many things in the world, but you must focus on the creator, and ask him to make a way out of no way, and to give you the knowledge, so that you may receive his blessings. My gift to you is to the truth. I challenge my readers to start young, to spread the knowledge, that you can do anything, if you just search, and educate yourself. There are many things in this world that you must pay for, but the most valuable things are FREE, and it is what drives us, and is what we truly live for. These are the things that make us rich. Peace and blessings.
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