About Me

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I am a spirit, trying to expand my consciousness and raise awareness to people. I've realized the more truthful things you encounter, the more knowledge you receive, it can be hurtful. The truth can make you richer within, and help you to live life to the fullest everyday. Once you resist, and don't bank the adversary, it is then you can begin living your journey of a righteous life. There is a war going on in the world, but it starts within the mind. It is important to find out who you are, and you need to realize, that you are firstly living for the creator. Everyone has a special light that links to each person to make the world a circle. This circle keeps manifesting the energy that we put out from our lights. Everything has a good and bad to it, because everyone was born into sin, but it is up to one to make a conscious choice on what they want to put out into the world. With patience, prayer, faith, and awareness, one can become righteous, and can stop reacting to everything. You can be proactive, and find your inner peace. I am on this journey, and would like to express my thoughts, my life, and experiences with the world, I hope you enjoy. Peace and blessings.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


This black hole 
Whispers truths that haunt my daily mental 

How dare you be ungrateful when you have all your limbs intact...
How dare you speak one negative word, when you breathe clean air, and speak clear from the comfort of a bed?
Your ability to type, is of the essence of a working brain...
The simplicity of life, do you not agree is no where near worthless?
Or do your selfish wants overcrowd your appreciation for the comfort of the necessities that you have?
My child, do not let your eyes blind your soul...
Have you not appreciated the rhythm, blood flow, and repeated in sync beat of your heart?
Don't you know, instantly your blessings can be paused indefinitely?
Why do you complain of such pettiness, when life is in the spec of your breath?
Who are you trying to please, if your thanks aren't unto life?
What more do you yearn for?
What more must you seek to become whole? 
You have forgotten your roots.
You've manipulated your mind to man's power.
Stop complaining.
The breath should be used to speak of love, and appreciation.
The people are only smart, when they realize, they know nothing.
Become free again, and never turn back .
Vibrate higher. 

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